ABR GlobalConsortium
ABR Best Practices

We are pleased to present the results of our recent arts-based research project. The project, entitled “Sustaining Life on Earth: Arts-Based Responses to the Lived Experience of COVID-19,” was initiated in 2020 and completed in 2022. Nineteen international arts-based scholars volunteered to participate as co-researchers, along with the six-member core organizing research team, submitting their arts-based and narrative responses to the project. The core team guiding the project collected and organized the submissions while simultaneously entering into an immersive, iterative, dynamic arts-based, and dialogic process with the data and each other. The arts-based results of this project captured the sensory, embodied, and emotional experiences of the evolving phases of the pandemic which resonated with the co-researchers and multiple audiences. These phases were categorized during the project by the co-researchers as initial anxiety and panic; reflection and creativity; and resilience. The final result of the project is an arts-based and performative piece using video and interactive gallery venues.